jueves, 30 de junio de 2011

Decoración con muebles chill out para el verano.

En decoración el concepto Chill out se aplica a muebles cómodos que fusionan distintas tendencias, el estilo étnico, las tendencias orientales, románticas o el estilo minimalista. En Espaciohogar.com te contamos más de los muebles Chill out con vídeo.
Si la base del Chill out es inspirar  relajación los muebles Chill out son ante todo cómodos invitan a recostarse. Camas de exterior con capota, balancines, sofás, chaise longues, cómodos sillones. hamacas, tumbonas.  Los muebles Chill out están de moda sobre todo para terraza y jardín.
Muebles Chill out al aire libre.
  • Muebles fabricados en aluminio  recubiertos de fibra sintética que se asemeja al ratán con un aspecto elegante. Los colores van desde el negro, el gris antracita, el color chocolate el beige, al color madera natural.
  • Muebles con trenzados abiertos con un diseño muy moderno.
  • Muebles de teca o madera de amburana.
  • Muebles metálicos.
  • Los cojines son muy usados en el estilo chill out. Cojines colchoneta para los sofás, cojines redondeados, cojines para el balancín. Almohadones. Colores alegres, rosa, beige, morado, verde, turquesa, naranja, rojo.
  • Sofás en forma redonda o camas de exterior que vienen con toldo abatible para disfrutar del sol o de la sombra.
  • Sofás rinconeras o chaise longue con mesa y sillones, ideales para las reuniones o para disfrutar del jardín o la terraza.
  • Tumbonas para relajarse, reclinable  en varias posiciones.
  • Balancines que invitan a columpiarse y relajarse.
  • Hamacas en madera con colchonetas y textilenos acolchados.
  • Las pérgolas con cortinas recogidas. Sombrillas, toldos, cenadores son ideales en los ambientes chill out.
  • Puff y sillas bajas, arcones para tener espacio de almacenamiento
  • Maceteros de todos los tamaños.
  • La novedad son los muebles iluminados, sobre todo en terrazas, cafeterías, restaurantes, discotecas. Para fiestas, bodas y otros eventos.
  • En formas geométricas fabricados de polietileno resistente y fácil de limpiar e iluminados con LED.
Cama Chill Out 5
  • Los diseños suelen ser muy variados, generalmente en forma geométrica.
  • Taburetes, mesas, barras, sillones, sofás, maceteros, lámparas de techo, de pie, bolas de adorno iluminadas para bordear la piscina, las escaleras o el jardín.
  • Maceteros iluminados, lámparas, bolas de adorno iluminadas, sofás, sillas,pufs, mesas.
  • La decoración oriental, con cojines, o grandes almohadones.
  • Uso de doseles redondos al estilo marroquí o cuadrados con mosquiteros para protegerse de los mosquitos y dar un aspecto romántico.

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

El sofá del amor- puzzle de colores modulable

Love Seat + Sofa Set = Colorful Puzzle-Piece Couch Designs
couch sofa set combination
Whimsical, creative and original … but also functional? These clever love-seat-and-couch combinations are more that just artistic expressions – they are designed to provide seating options around the actual seating needs of individual people. In short: there is a surprising attention to comfort, patterns of use and personal preferences that run deeper than the offbeat and overt aesthetic impact of these furniture objects.
couch convertible sofa set
Designed by Philippe Nigro in attached-unit sets, each plays the function of lounge chair, love seat and sofa combined – visually and physically connected-yet-separated.
combined couches design
Like his Confluences series, his Intersections furniture sets also revolve around curiously combined seating designs – but the emphasis is on the points convergence, with each additive overlap highlighted in a new hybrid color rather than subtracted from the design equation.
couch sofa furniture set
The odd angles and offbeat intersections make these playful pieces of furniture deceptively simple and childlike, while in actuality they require a great deal of custom craft work to manufacture and assemble

viernes, 10 de junio de 2011

Sofá cama de lujo para siestas exclusivas

Lazy Luxury Sleeper: Convertible Push-Button Couch + Bed
It takes so little effort to switch from couch to bed mode in most pull-outs. It makes you wonder: did we really need a way to make this conversion process even easier? One designer apparently thinks we do.
To be fair, this Campeggi convertible couch-and-bed combo has an extra hidden advantage: there is no need to relocate back-support pillows when you transform it into its flat configuration, since these fold out as part of the smooth transition process.
For extreme space savers this might be a worthwhile sofa sleeper, but the possibility of the mechanism breaking down might make it a tough sell for folks who do not like to take technological risks with simple pieces of furniture. So it becomes a trade-off: the risk of something not working when you need it, versus what may be the most streamlined transforming sit-and-sleep object to date.

martes, 7 de junio de 2011

Escritorio de diseño ideal para fans de la informática

Mac Milk: Chic White Apple-Inspired Computer Desk Design
To say ‘Milk‘ was styled for Apple users might be an understatement. Streamlined like a Mac and with equal emphasis on sleek form and minimalist functionality, this computer desk might not stand the test of time (e.g. when the world truly goes wireless) but as a contemporary of-the-moment work surface it seems superbly streamlined to its purpose – whether or not you share its goals.
Is it minimalist, or the opposite: over-engineered? Most of the niche functions seem well suited to their tasks: a simple cord slot for collecting and channeling cables, translucent top-opening ‘drawers’ to see what you have stored without setting it straight on the surface and so forth. Still, the central aluminum column can be height-adjusted at the push of a button, though whether you want to rely on electronics to raise and lower your desk (or have to connect it to a wall socket) is another question.
The relatively-flat chrome (or optionally: aluminium) foot looks great in the images, but does it sit flush enough to the floor (and far enough back) so that your rolling chair will not constantly bump into the edge? As a confessed PC user, the fundamental question to me is: does the focus on style go too far, and some functionality get sacrificed in the process? After all, this is where you may spend as much as eight hours a day – if it is going to be a one-size-fits-all approach, it had better work how you want it to.
Those nagging negatives aside, there is no doubt that this is a fine work of design that may well fit the lifestyle of many modern worker bees. Still, for all of the emphasis on its designer styling and functional components, one could wish it were a bit more ergonomically crafted and made of higher-quality materials all around (rather than the MDF surface, for example, despite aluminum and chrome being employed for other areas). In short: it still seems more concept than real in many ways, but on the right track regardless.